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DCDM mastering in 4K: “Theo gegen den Rest der Welt” for the Bundesarchiv

„Theo gegen den Rest der Welt“ from 1980 has been scanned by ALPHA- OMEGA digital in 4K resolution. We are happy to add our share to the preservation of this film.

More on DCDM creation by Digital Cinema Mastering:

Unsere Leistungen im Überblick

More information on this project: http://beta.digital-cinema-mastering.com/de/ueber-uns/referenzen/

DCDM Mastering for Lumatic

We create a DCDM / Digital Cinema Distribution Master for Lumatic.

Production: Our wonderful Nature – The Common Chameleon.

Final destination is the german Bundesarchiv Film. Mastering in 2K and 16bit (source).

What is a Digital Cinema Distribution Master / DCDM?

A Digital Cinema Distribution Master / DCDM

is a prestage format in the process of creating a DCP / Digital Cinema Package. The DCDM is mostly archived alongside with the DCP, to act as a source format for future purposes (remastering / ancilliary markets, localised versions…)
