What does IMF / Interoperable Master Format mean?
Interoperable Master Format / IMF is an SMPTE standard for master files in the film sector that can store all the different versions of a film in a single container (IMP / Interoperable Master Package). The aim of IMF is:
- save different versions of a film (audio-language versions, subtitles, accessible versions) in a space-saving manner
- to be able to serve as many target formats as possible (e.g. file formats for TV, streaming, mobile video…)
- to store metadata in machine-readable form in order to be able to automate processes
This is achieved 1. by using Composition Playlists (similar to Digital Cinema Packages), which determine which image and sound data and any metadata such as subtitles should be played together and in which order. And 2. through the use of Output Profile Lists, which define how the image and sound data should be interpreted / transcoded for a specific purpose. 3. all metadata is stored in a standardized form (.xml format) that can be processed by machines as well as read by humans.
Basically, an IMF is similar to a DCP, so the basics of the Digital Cinema Package are adopted.
We offer the creation of IMP / Interoperable Master Packages e.g. for delivery to Netflix.
More information about the process and the pricing:
More about the subject:
http://techblog.netflix.com/2016/03/imf-prescription-for-versionitis.html (EN)